The importance of water containment and recycling in the auto body shop industry is urgent and drastic. Learn how businesses can achieve water sustainability.
5 Ways Geomat’s Closed-Loop Water Containment Systems Will Optimize Your Operation
Why Water Recycling Works For Everyone
Sustainable Solutions to the Latest Environmental Concerns in Cannabis
How Industries Can Benefit From Sustainable Wash Systems
Sustainable Cultivation Practices in Indoor Agriculture
The Origin and Impact of Earth Day
The idea for Earth Day originated by the U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, who was deeply concerned about the detrimental effects of human activities on the environment. Learn about the history and origin of Earth Day and its influential global impact over the years.
Reverse Osmosis vs. Cannabis Water Containment Systems: What's the Difference?
What’s Going On With Our Water? The Latest Environmental Concerns and Their Unknown Impacts
No matter if you see the glass of dwindling environmental resources as half full or half empty, there’s one inconvenient, unavoidable truth related to all these (undesirable) environmental reports: we need more water. Learn about the latest environmental tragedies regarding water resources, and how to contribute to a solution.
Spotlighting Florida's Medical Marijuana Market
The Sunshine State has one of the largest medical marijuana markets in the country. Last year, it ranked 5th in the top cannabis sales made by states, totaling $1.04 billion in just the first six months of 2022. Today, the number of registered medical marijuana patients in Florida exceeds 700,000, as the medical market and industry continue to grow with dispensaries, cultivators, patients and consumers alike.
A Year in Review: The Cannabis Industry in 2022
Cannabis on the Ballot: The Results are In!
Colorado's Water Quality & Compliance: An Overview
When it comes to indoor cannabis cultivation facilities, Denver and surrounding municipalities rely on municipal water distribution systems for irrigation and operational discharge. We’re breaking down everything there is to know about cannabis environmental compliance in Colorado, and how the state has evolved its cannabis sustainability mission.
Hotter Seasons & Dusty Droughts: Are Cannabis Farmers at Risk?
Between the lengthy droughts and intense wildfires bustling on, climate change is continuing to become a challenge faced by many cannabis farmers. Today, regions of California continue to combat the flurry of natural disasters and detrimental environmental impacts that are destroying farmers, families, and agricultural crops. But is there one specific plant that poses a greater risk than the rest?
How To Reclaim Wastewater in Farming & Agriculture
Staying Environmentally Aware in All Cannabis Facets
As cannabis legalization makes its way across the country, each state is enforcing its own unique and individual framework that structures regulations and laws protecting the environment. In this blog, we explore the many different ways to be environmentally conscious - no matter what aspect of cannabis you and your company are involved in.
Growing Greener Grass: 5 Ways to Increase Your LEED Score
What The Future of Global Cannabis Legalization Can Look Like
How Do Closed Loop Systems Work?
Geomat’s Patented closed-loop water recovery system is designed to capture, recycle, filter, and clean wastewater and water runoff in an efficient, controlled feedback process. Closed-loop systems use feedback where a portion of the output signal is fed back to the input to reduce errors and improve stability. Additionally, this protects and prevents any outside factors or elements from disrupting the system’s process and control.
Raising Global Awareness on World Water Day
In today’s world, water scarcity is a rising issue that is affecting every continent. Water use is inevitable, with the need and demand for this natural resource increasing throughout thirsty industries around the globe. World Water Day is an annual holiday on March 22nd, established by the United Nations to honor and advocate for water conservation around the globe.